Sorry pal. Real practicing Catholics actually DO follow everything the Church says regarding faith and morals, because they accept that they can't know the fullness of truth and because they know God gave the Church infallibility.
Your logic is absurd. God gave the Church infallibility in matters of faith and morals, meaning what the Church teaches about abortion and transgenderism is from God. Catholics who disagree with the Church disagree with God.
Also, murder is wrong in all cases. And almost all abortions present no risk to the mother, and even if they did, the Church teaches the ends do not justify the means.
It is completely ridiculous to say "I'm Catholic" and then say "But I can disagree with the fundamental points of being a Catholic." You are not a Catholic.
It's tragic that you think it's sometimes necessary to murder a child.
Also, to disagree with the Catholic Church on such fundamental points shows you're a Catholic in name only. Real practicing Catholics believe the Church is infallible in matters of faith and morals. These are both moral matters, so to disagree with the Church is to disagree with Catholicism.
So you're Catholic while actively saying Catholicism is wrong in fundamental moral matters.