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WombatStew (11154)
Joined 2017-01-09
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Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 6y
Which is why you stay away from the extreme right.
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 6y
Sociopaths like yourself are the problem. Lots of anger. And you never grew up. You're like a 3 year old baby in an adult body.
Uncle Sam in fun
2 ups, 7y
You know the USA is chock full of dumb arses when they're quiet about homelessness but get angry when a black person wears Nike.

What a screwed up, stuffed nation of parasites the USA is.
I thought I was being multi-cultural. in fun
1 up, 7y
When you're so stupid that you can't tell the difference between a person and an umbrella.
Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 7y
It's not about d1ck, ya ignorant cvnt.