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WhosThatGuy (1718)
Joined 2019-01-25
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Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 5y
Then you need to get your priorities straight. Do you know how many species have gone extinct because of poaching, canned hunting, and other forms of overhunting? Then you know little about Right-Wing voters, and that's pretty sad. Elephants and rhinos are endangered, and zebras too. Elephants, rhinos, and zebras aren't native to New Mexico. I'm not the ignorant one, you are. Do you honestly think animals can't be poached? Poachers have their ways, just like any other criminal. Prove the guy ISN'T a poacher. Do you know the guy? If not, then you have no say on whether or not he hunted illegally. Animals fight regardless of whether or not they're hunted. There's nothing you can do about that. Hell, animals fought before humanity even existed, and they'll fight LONG after humanity disappears. I didn't start anything, I was just correcting you, YOU'RE the one who went all judgemental. You can't prove the guy didn't hunt the animals illegally. Animals got around fine for millions of years without human intervention, and they'll get around just fine after we're gone.
Batman Slapping Robin in fun
0 ups, 5y
Is this suppose to be a compliment or an insult?
Y'all Got Any More Of That in fun
0 ups, 5y
No there isn't. You're just a loon.
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 5y
I didn't say I didn't like gun-toting. My stance on gun-control is fairly neutral. I don't watch Bambi, but I wouldn't expect somebody like you to listen to that. You think anybody who doesn't agree with your political views is stupid.
Untitled Image in politics
1 up, 5y
Criminals have their ways. I mean, just look at the Mafia and Mexican drug cartels. Hell, just look at ISIS and the Taliban. It's illegal to kill endangered animals. Only when a species is at Least-Concern is it legal to hunt them. I'm well aware Bambi is fictional, besides that, the deer that was killed in Bambi was a female, and it's illegal to kill female deer. Also, none of these animals are from Mexico. I didn't say a majority of Right-Wingers are poachers, I said a majority of poachers are Right-Wingers.