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Whip_The_Child (154225)
Joined 2020-11-04
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yes in fun
1 up, 3y
I am not s, but a face for them in Imgflip-Task-Force
0 ups, 4y
I am now predilated to speak the real name. They are called IOI or investigators of imgflip. The other one was a alias, a disguise. They are a group of anonymous people solving cases. Currently they have no cases, but If you want to give suggestions, feel free to contact me!
I am not s, but a face for them in Imgflip-Task-Force
0 ups, 4y
No. This is the Detective's Institute Of Justice. I have to say, they are a group of neutral investigators that find and expose frauds. We do not support or hate any streams, we only find and expose corrupt users