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Whatdaheckisupwitday (13009)
Joined 2022-11-20
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That's exactly what dictators do! Trump fascism confirmed! in politics
1 up, 1d
-Hes an israel first zionist. He converted quietly, but its now public record. All his kids married jews. HES THE SAME THING we just had, run by the (((same party))). ZERO ARRESTS. ZERO.
DJ meme "on yo bumper" 1 in politics
0 ups, 6d
I'm gonna need Trump to stop sucking Israels dick before that happens.
The ONLY People Fooled Were The Fools in politics
1 up, 6d
So (((his handlers))) wouldn't even let him use the oval office?
Scooby doo mask reveal in politics
0 ups, 2w
When in history has it been ok to enact group punishment? When in history was it ok to genocide a people? The answer is NEVER, and the jews show they are sub-human race by being the people who engage in VAST MAJORITY of genocides. Good job turning the WORLD against jews. Go to an AI and askj if its ok to want genocide: it will tell you that you need mental health. You are broken and dangerous. Fix yourself, or eventually the world will put you down.
Scooby doo mask reveal in politics
0 ups, 2w
Don't feed they psychopaths. (There is never a justification for genocide. And group punishment is illegal under international war crime laws). Israels behaviour is contemptible and psychopathic. -You have some good memes tho'.