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Watchful_Eyes (389)
Joined 2024-12-24
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Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 3d
Name him Snoobert
Here is why this stream will never be given back to the community. in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 3d
You know what would be funny? Erasing this site from existence. Far too many children have been exposed to pornographic content.
fresh start in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 4d
I have never once started a fight in my life and if i were to ever come into contact with you, I would gut you like an african wild dog.
fresh start in MS_memer_group
1 up, 4d
With a single "mistake" you activated every single one of my primal instincts. There will be no recovery for you. There is no way you can make this up. You've failed as a human being. Not even the Devil himself could see you as worth something. You are incredibly lucky you are sitting behind a screen for if you weren't your body would be in thin strips across your floor.

You have fuсked up beyond repair. I had to break my character to tell you what a piece of subhuman shit you are. You've made me see that there is, infact a god, but he is blind to the horrors in his kingdom.

With nothing but blood-boiling rage, Scott.