I on the other hand immedietely knew where you are from, because no other nation has people that idiotic. You see most people have a basic level of competence required to post on the internet, since you had to at least be smart enough to master english. For americans tho all you need is a computer and first grade education, which is why American idiots outnumber all the other idiots on the internet by an order of magnitude.
Because disease can cross borders, idiot. Also you brought up my nation first. America, a nation where rich live like kings and the poor can just f**k off and die quietly, and they still think they are superior for some reason.
Only in america can you find people so stupid that they live like slaves and still believe they are the greatest nation on Earth. Enjoy your lack of healthcare, your lack of payed vacation, your lack of minimum wage and your lack of basic human dignity, you really deserve what you have.