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Verdun (102296)
Joined 2019-07-13
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Trigger Warning: It''s the REEEEEEEEEEEEEE flag! in politics
0 ups, 2mo
Well ain't that precious?! Libtards finally found that common ground with us deplorables they been looking so hard for!
Better to be a live fascist (and just like Hitler) than a dead commie with a sidewalk memorial! in politics
0 ups, 6mo
Yeah, from your comment on my meme, and now this, I may not be certain what you would do, but I am rather certain you have no clue what you would do! Some spit on the ole finger and hold it in the air perhaps?

It appears I neglected to answer your previous question. It happens that back in the day, decades ago when I was young enough to think nightclubs and barfights and hangovers was in some way fun....yes indeedy, I have been to many a honkytonk and biker bar where guns were either present or within speedy reach...along with knives, chains and other lethal weapons. And yes, I have both seen firsthand (and heard about from others after the fact), of the occasional death by stabbing, lead poisoning, wire-garrote, etc.Ya know what I never ever saw, or even heard of My Precious? Someone stopping by, start shooting everything that moves, and having lived long enough to rack up a goodly body count. Ya know why? I think you do...but you would rather be waterboarded than admit it!

"One man with a gun can control 100 without one." Lenin
Better to be a live fascist (and just like Hitler) than a dead commie with a sidewalk memorial! in politics
0 ups, 6mo
So after this incident (and other similar nightclub shooting galleries), you would still be OK going to a nightclub without ANY armed security or protection from wackos...other than that provided by 'GUN FREE ZONE!' signs? I see. I see!

No doubt you would also advocate for sending children to violent public schools (that alone is bad enough!) without any armed security to intervene, should yet another shooter scenario unfold! Of course you would! I'm reminded of Rita Mae Brown's definition of crazed libtards "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
This belongs in the 'fun' stream, but since they have proven themselves humorless... in politics
1 up, 7mo
Yeah I see it...around the eyes...that vacant out-to-lunch stare!
Untitled Image in fun
1 up, 12mo
And appears to have been flipped off by every supplier of adrenochrome in Hollyweird! Cancel Culture claims another victim!