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Verdun (108150)
Joined 2019-07-13
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Another one bites the dust...and another one gone, and another one gone! in politics
1 up, 1w
Proof that libtards really do eat their own? Taste like cheeekin!
The Leftist Motto: Do as we say, not as we do; what's fair for us, ain't fair for you! in politics
1 up, 4w
For fitting you chose Peter to represent your side! And sticking meat in his pants to encourage an attack? Priceless!
An example of how just replacing the word 'for' with 'to' brings crystal clarity! in politics
0 ups, 4w
I make no such distinction anymore. The exiled conservative democrats morphed into NeoCons, and have ever since been the demonrats 'fifth column' within the Republican Party. They act as agents to sway conservatives into voting for the demonrat agenda (under the guise of bipartisanship), and failing that, as saboteurs to sow discord within...preventing any effective resistance to that agenda.

As for liberals, one can look into any political party or organization over the last hundred years, and it is clear the liberals are always THE root cause. They act as the gatekeepers that invite in the progressive-libtards, who in turn then roll out the red carpet to the commies, socialists and Far Left.
The swamp rats are fleeing like from a sinking ship. O The Inhumanity!!!! in politics
0 ups, 1mo
A goodly 95% or demonrat politicians NEVER miss an opportunity for a good con job or larcenous's what leftist grifters do best!
The Leftist Motto: Do as we say, not as we do; what's fair for us, ain't fair for you! in politics
1 up, 1mo
“Accuse your enemy of what you are doing as you are doing it, to create confusion.”
Do as we say, not as we do; what's fair for us, ain't fair for you! Alinsky would be sooo proud!