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UrbanCowboy6665 (2934)
Joined 2021-12-17
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*it was so fun to play on it * and the games where nostalgic in gaming
0 ups, 2y
That was my first game console. Most games had a limited number of lives, and when they were gone, you had to start over. You didn't even have codes to skip to certain points in the game (think of the codes in Punch Out! that let you skip earlier fights). The graphics were rough, to say the least. Look up the dragon from Adventure! When people complain about how hard some games are, I laugh in Atari...
I thought teens were so cool growing up! Now that I am one... It really sucks! in fun
0 ups, 2y
Wait until you're an adult, or in your 40s...
Untitled Image in Comics
0 ups, 2y
Those are rookie numbers...
egg in fun
0 ups, 2y
I'll do pretty much any of them except for soft-boiled... Never tried that...