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U-b-e-r-m-e-n-s-c-h (1133)
Joined 2020-03-11
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The Citizens of S.P.A.Z. Spontaneous Political Autonomous Zone in politics
0 ups, 5y
Arguing on the net, is the same like taking part in the paralympics...

even if you win, you're still degenerate retarded
Jisraelites in politics
0 ups, 5y
Fake Nose Media
Disaster Girl in fun
1 up, 5y
Ohh, thank you <3

I'm glad you didnt thought of racist ideas.

And am proud, that you know the philosophical concept of the Ubermensch.

Which simply means, all Humans are bad, no matter which ethnic or religion, and we need to grow out of the misery, we have caused in the past. To become something better...

It doesnt mean, there is "some one better"