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TurphM4ster (45099)
Joined 2021-02-21
Just a content creator who likes memes. Sub to my YT for more meme stuff!
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Lukas' Steak Doneness in fun
0 ups, 1mo
Why would I do that when I could order it medium rare how God intended it to be cooked
Lukas' Steak Doneness in fun
0 ups, 1mo
If you're eating steak well done you are the real stake hater
Anyone taken/taking linear algebra? in fun
0 ups, 2mo
I use no symbol most of the time, • when finding the dot product of two vectors or matrices, and × when finding the cross-product of two vectors in ℝ³
Every time in fun
2 ups, 4mo
Gen α slang is not allowed here
Every time in fun
1 up, 5mo
No probalo