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Thought-Pauper43 (53023)
Joined 2021-07-25
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This was me when I was little in fun
1 up, 10mo
For me, I liked putting toys through stupid skits as well a fights, drama about stupid things you might find in a sitcom, or dramatic speeches before a bit of a fight.
So, I did it? (I can't draw hands, someone tell me how ?) in Drawings
0 ups, 11mo
There are many great tutorials online, but a great place to start is just to lay your hand on a piece of paper and slowly trace over it, just to get used to tracing the shape, then perhaps take a photo with a camera (Your phone or a camera camera.) , and use it as reference to focus drawing it in different poses, such as gripping a pen.
Skin in Comics
2 ups, 11mo
This hits me in the gut like an anvil thrown by a troll. Great comic!
1 Corinthians 6:18 in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 1y
I'll do you one better, from lifetime to lifetime, NO NUT EXISTENCE!

You would have spiritual blue balls built up from all those lifetimes, it would make you eventually develop a bright blue aura.
Untitled Image in Comics
0 ups, 1y
What I love the most here is that the guy with the "higher" level looks a bit depressed, which is something to think about. More success is not always greater happiness.