BTW......Israel did 9-11.......Google it....also-DANCING ISRAELIS WTC-7 ISRAELI ART STUDENTS..........WTC 7 WAS aNOTHER controlled demolition at 5:30 PM on 9-11 and that 47 story building was NEVER hit by a plane.....GEEZ....I sure wasted a lot of time trying to HELP you.....I am DONE.
nONSENSE....You mean you have NO SENSE.....Thats ok FLUORIDE IN TOOTHPASTE LOWERS IQ.....took me 6 seconds...: ALSO LOOK UP USS LIBERTY which ISRAEL shot the hell out of in 1967...USS LIBERTY..... In order to eliminate resistance to Israel’s nuclear armament and to reduce pressure on Israel for the “right of return” for 800 000 Palestinians, US president JF Kennedy was assassinated.
Since the 1950s, Israel had undertaken the secret manufacture of atomic bombs. In 1986 reliable evidence emerged demonstrating that Israel had secretly obtained the atomic bomb as early as 1967. Since then, all successively elected US presidents have been held hostage by Israel.
Kennedy was also committed to the right of return for 800,000 Palestinians expelled from their homes and villages in 1948, for which the American delegation to the UN presented a proposal on November 20, 1963. He was assassinated 2 days later.