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TheyCallHimBigEllie (44072)
Joined 2024-04-13
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Don't worry about what other people say or do. Focus on your own shit. You'll be happier. in fun
0 ups, 1w
Clown bleating "oFfEnDeD" is guaranteed triggered that gay people get married and trans people exist lolz.
Screaming Liberal in fun
0 ups, 2w
Failed at life, blame the comusociamarxmisism
Bad Pun Anna Kendrick in fun
1 up, 2w
I'm a simple. I see Anna Kendrick, I upvote.
CNA Abuse in fun
1 up, 4w
Everything's gonna get better now that the wealthy elite control everything without even the pretense of any regulation or checks & balances.
All rise for the true heroes of Labor Day in fun
1 up, 4w
It's gonna get better now that the wealthy elites control everything without the pretense of regulation.