Tommy Tubervile said: "They refuse to do it. They don’t deserve anything, to be honest with you, unless they show us, they’re going to make some changes,”
On California aid, he apparently did support sending aid but I consider him a disgrace to my states values and stuff
Listen I went to try finding more stuff but give up
My point was gonna be dumb retaliation but instead I'ma say: we can find both sides doing bad things, acting like one is way worse ain't gonna be helpful, mabey one or the other is a little worse but insults ain't doing anything
Also don't do Bernie like that
Should we really just assume someone is bad because of their party?
If anyone wants a chance at office they have to pick red or blue, and y'all are here just insulting, this won't help anything
Like so he will make people desperate to sell land and he'll be able to negotiate for cheap then using the land he can make a lot of money?
How does he exactly? Like finding violence or doing a Rockefeller and doing products at prices so cheap its immpoito compete.
(As in having enough money to lose money for a bit while the competition is destroyed)
I'm guessing here I don't actually know.
If your fine with it how does he do this exactly?
And honestly I feel (personally) Bernie Sanders should lead, he seems to be one of the best if not the best, (I think he is definitely like best Dem in Congress)
I have lost track of the original thing
Back to the qestion: how does soros do this? As in destabilize the country?