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TheXfromabove (3326)
Joined 2023-11-08
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IDK in fun
0 ups, 1w
I unfortunately am (Just got broken up with last friday :')))
Funny title in fun
0 ups, 2w
now I re-read it again, I realized that that sounded weird. 💀

What I meant is that Goku being there was coincidental, but the real reason is that it was supposed to be hidden as a secret, not meant to be his shlong.

But hey, you were the first one to find it!
Funny title in fun
0 ups, 2w
lmao you noticed!

(it's supposed to be a secret but it's pretty noticeable)
school.... in fun
0 ups, 2mo
yo 3 more days
I'M BACK GANG! :D in fun
0 ups, 3mo
So, I'm back and I have been changed to thexfromabove!

I forgot this app for a while but i decided to look back at my memes.

anyhow, I have new social media accounts (bc I didn't before.)







Those are where my social accounts live! My tags are @thexfromabove!