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TheMissing_Link (38109)
Joined 2022-05-03
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Epic Face Reveal in fun
4 ups, 2y
yesir les go
Untitled Image in Dark_humour
0 ups, 2y
who else remembers this game?
why is this so relatable in sports
0 ups, 2y
we're in on every play but gut little to no attention
why is this so relatable in sports
0 ups, 2y
what about catchers?
I'm just curious, that's all. in Middle-School
2 ups, 2y
arl when I was in KIDERGARDEN my school thought i vandilized school property. this 1 kid sayd it was a kidergardener with a hat. they took me out of class and started full on interogating me. i was in kidergarten so i broke down and cried. turns out the kid who said i did it was the person who actually did it. i still dont know what "I" did