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TheMammothTank (916)
Joined 2023-08-23
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Panik Kalm Panik in politics
0 ups, 8h
The question is not how Ukraine will hold as you are stating it will lose, but how Russia, weak after coming out of Ukraine regardless of victory or defeat from heavy losses, can hold with various ethnic groups in Siberia, Russians that fled not wanting to join the military, corruption, ruined pride, and loss of arms exports. At this point, there is no such thing as decisive victory in this war anymore. Any victory in this war is most likely pyrrhic. Regardless of victory or defeat, Russia would be vulnerable...
The brainwashing of the left in Real_Politics
0 ups, 15h
Actually, hydrogen dissipated harmlessly in a test video I saw.
The state of the Ukrainian army right now in Real_Politics
0 ups, 15h
Explain how Russia is going to rebuild it's military might when they get high costs in a pyrrhic victory in Ukraine.
Russia, Belarus, and Serbia in Real_Politics
0 ups, 1d
How does Putin stay in power for six terms? How does Lukenshenko stay in power since basically Belarusian independence? Why did Obama step down in 2016?