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TheIndifferentLance (9020)
Joined 2015-12-07
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Congratulations to Biden he Completed his first Question. in politics
1 up, 9mo
Hey if even the deaf Singing person can't tell what we said no one will.
Your Typical Mosque Service in fun
1 up, 2y
To be honest MaxNutty I am not sure. The names of Husssein and Hasan sometimes both get mixed into Islamic songs. I don't know who they are but the songs are so beautiful. But I can also say that even though I believe they are beautiful it doesn't sway me from my own religion.
Your Typical Mosque Service in fun
1 up, 2y
P.S I'm not making fun of Muslims. I listen to allot of beautiful Islamic Music and in almost everyone I see this happen. I don't know the connection to this Hussain person but when the Imam mentions him when he's singing the crowed starts crying very loudly.
What Disney Wanted VS How It Turned Out. in fun
0 ups, 4y
Then why is Kathleen Kennedy getting her all powerful feminist ass kicked out of Lucas Films?