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Teenington (3315)
Joined 2021-10-27
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GOP GARBAGE in politics
0 ups, 2w
Because people suffering the effects of poverty and discrimination know that republican policy helps keep them there. They know voting blue is the wiser choice. That’s never been more clear as the GOP is literally shredding the fabric of America. Wave that flag.
Angry Liberal Hypocrite in politics
0 ups, 1mo
Appx 62% of pregnancies result in live birth…. A percentage of sperm aren’t visible while men are holding the baton of human life…just as surely as a percentage of pregnancies aren’t viable while women are carrying the burden. But let’s arbitrarily assign 100% of the responsibility of the human life cycle to women. Let’s imprison them when their biology functions exactly as designed. Ha ha ha…while we’re at it… let’s let the church off the hook for taxes so they can promote more of this BS on my dime. SMH. Taliban GOP BS.
Angry Liberal Hypocrite in politics
1 up, 1mo
No… a better analogy is… should the male of the species face legal penalties for ejaculating outside of intercourse. Same philosophy as abortion.
Angry Liberal Hypocrite in politics
2 ups, 1mo
Funny how the same sperm, the very seed of human life, that moves under its own power and can live 24 hrs. outside of its testicular home, and is routinely, trashed 200 million at a time (without second thought or fear of legal consequence) becomes suddenly sacred the instant a female takes possession, requiring her to die in its defense. Hilarious. Religion is poison.
The "man" hates dogs. in politics