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Syd_Yohanz (6181)
Joined 2022-03-29
Just a random SCP fan
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So i dismantled a gun in a gun sim and ending up making this in CuRsEd_ImAgEs666
0 ups, 3y
The the gun i Dismantled was VSS Vintorez
So i dismantled a gun in a gun sim and ending up making this in CuRsEd_ImAgEs666
0 ups, 3y
Game is called gun stripping i have it on mobile
Pain ( Dunno if someone else already did this) in SCP
0 ups, 3y
I used the crouching method just because i crouchef at the first place and peanut didn't kill me
Pain #2 in SCP
0 ups, 3y
I should had replaced Scp wiki into Scp 008 Location