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Squidward_Squidd (129)
Joined 2024-03-11
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Drew Carey in GroupTherapy
0 ups, 1y
thanks for everything again, now i have to go, bye flamewar_vet
It's A Wonderful Life in sports
0 ups, 1y
i saw it the 25 december 2023 for the first time. incredible movie...
Drew Carey in GroupTherapy
0 ups, 1y
sorry my english, is not very good, i know
Drew Carey in GroupTherapy
0 ups, 1y
ignore someone is the better solution. anyway believe me, flamewar_vet, don't listen to some users in here, cause you and Hannibal are intelligent persons, thing that some of users in here are not
Drew Carey in GroupTherapy
0 ups, 1y
anyway you know? i don't really like some peers of mine, most of them are real jerk and find fun to attack others. some month ago a dude of my age offended my dad just cause he said to him to drive and not chatting in the phone. Honestly i think some youths have too much consent by now, maybe it's always some politics fault, in my country for example some youth jerks are always justified