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Squiddy_Italian_Italy (66)
Joined 2024-02-20
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Seriously, help in GroupTherapy
0 ups, 1y
yes i'm italian and also paranoid. in fact i change accounts everytime, but my nicknames are always "Squidward_Squiddy_Italian" or something like that. I start to use Imgflip in January 2024, but i know this website from the distant 2022, even if i never created an account before like now
Maybe it sounds stupid but Summer increases anxiety on me in GroupTherapy
0 ups, 1y
i know this was a stupid meme and this stream is a very important place for serious things, sorry, my fault 😞
Ecchi + magical girl = ¡¡¡ in xentrickraft
1 up, 1y
anyway, at the moment i can say that American people are better than Italian ones. you all have big hearts. my opinion
Ecchi + magical girl = ¡¡¡ in xentrickraft
1 up, 1y
understood! anyway i don't know if you remember me, but i'm the dude of the unfunny series account. then i've made an only account named "SquidwardQuincyafter2cigarettes" and also an another one called "SadSquidward" but unluckily i'm to paranoid... so, i change accounts everytime... this sounds retarded, i know... and i'm embarassed about that