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FestiveIceburg (22548)
Joined 2022-09-28
Previous username: SpookyIceburg
ASU/ASR member | Feel free to use my shame templates | my icon\s a tree btw
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This X is an example of clown behavior templateancient city templatePvZ heroes sunflower templateSuggestive Paper Pete templateIceburg's backwards alts ARG announcement temp thingy templateBonk Choy Says template

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Everytime I go to get my camera in fun
0 ups, 3w
if (component != null)
ResourceManager.inventoryPop.TweenIntoPopCanvas(FTEblockImg.sprite, new Rect(component.position.x, component.position.y, component.rect.size.x, component.rect.size.y), 0.8f, 0f, LeanTweenType.easeInSine, useWorld: true);
FTEblockImg.enabled = false;
oh sorry wrong thing
pass through in programming
1 up, 4w
x86 ASM -> C
C -> C#
C# -> C++
C++ -> Java
you must in fun
1 up, 3mo