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SophieLeck (2164)
Joined 2023-08-03
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Wanted AI to make an Animal Crossing meme... And AI bullied me in fun
1 up, 12mo
Even though Sasha spends everyday sitting inside and Sherb just sits on the floor and READS.
Luigi the Avenger in fun
0 ups, 1y
I once saw a vintage Nightcrawler X-Men action figure labeled as "Michael Jackson demon"
Not a furry, I'm bullied by furryphobics who think I am one in fun
0 ups, 1y
Anyone takes any sign of creativity and animal and just guesses furry
I actually did. in fun
0 ups, 1y
Tell me, why is this popular?
The movie isn't THAT sad. in fun
0 ups, 2y
If I'd cry over any movie it would be Elemental, I'VE SEEN IT 3-4 TIMES THIS WEEK