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SirBagelsworth (11624)
Joined 2015-11-30
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Mormon in fun
1 up, 6y
Yeah I get you. Just saying for those who might take it seriously, though considering the site, it's not likely. You never know though. Especially when there is a sect of people calling themselves Mormons that do practice polygamy - that very fact making them not actual Mormons.

Anyway. >_> Imgflip isn't the best for discussions I guess
Mormon in fun
4 ups, 6y
The Real Mormon Church hasn't practiced polygamy in over a hundred years.
Every time... in fun
0 ups, 7y
Not every house has two bathrooms.
Bad Pun Dog in fun
0 ups, 8y
That Mongolian beef will pillage your insides.
Not everyone can be an oppressed Art Studies Major who just needs time to find themselves. in fun
0 ups, 8y
It's funny because there were much more people in attendance as you can see in the videos.