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ShaggyBink (3133)
Joined 2019-08-09
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What a crazy idea in politics
0 ups, 6y
Again, my single paragraph was grammatically correct. There's no need to break it down into smaller ones, as all the information therein pertains to one subject in particular. Sorry you lack the reading skills to handle that much information at once.

I'm insulting you because multiple times you've implied your intellectual superiority in a backhanded way, like you think that you have something figured out that me, and apparently everyone else in the country are missing. (Please notice how I created a new paragraph here due to a change in subject.) You're just some f**ktard spewing vague opinions, likely stolen from social media, and trying to pass it off like you're woke to some uncommon knowledge. I didn't insult you because I had a lack of response. I responded, and you ignored it. I insulted you because I think you're dumb as f**k, plain and simple.

Furthermore, you are not agreeing with me, nor do you share my opinion. You posted a rebuttal to my opinion, which I proved to be incorrect. After that, you did not provide another rebuttal, but rather started incorrectly questioning my grammar (On an informal website, nonetheless, where grammar is optional) in a piss poor attempt to sound intelligent.

So, because it doesn't appear that you have anything else to say that's relevant to the subject matter, or two brain cells to rub together for that matter, I think I'll be done talking to you now.

Sayonara shithead!
What a crazy idea in politics
0 ups, 6y
It's one paragraph, and it's all properly punctuated, so on top of being a political moron I'm going to assume that you are also illiterate, or at the very least a slow reader.

Translation of your comment: I don't actually know what I'm talking about, and therefore cannot form a logical rebuttal to your sound argument, but I don't want to admit my lack of knowledge, so instead I'll pretend I didn't read your comment. *Insert random ramblings with no factual evidence here*
What a crazy idea in politics
0 ups, 6y
Dear ignorant twat-waffle,

Seeing as how only 10 out of 50 states have legal recreational use your argument about the tenth amendment is pretty weak. More than four-fifths of the states in the country have also criminalized it, and guess what, the tenth amendment applies only to the Federal Government. The states are allowed to pass any law they want as long as it doesn't contradict any of the other amendments. The ninth amendment is also irrelevant here because it's not just the Fed that has prohibition laws, it's the states also. It's the government's job to keep the economy stable and balanced. That's a big part of what our tax dollars pay them to do. The supreme court (who's in charge of interpreting the Constitution in case you're unaware) would have to start repealing all federal regulations to uphold the tenth amendment, and the odds of that happening, based on the history of their decisions, are between slim and none. The Fed mostly bribes the states with clauses attached to funding receipts that make the states have to uphold certain terms in order to receive said funds, so as to circumvent the tenth amendment all together. You clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about, and are just repeating things you probably heard on a podcast or saw in a meme somewhere. Which is definitely not how the founding fathers looked at things. Get educated on how the supreme court interprets the amendments you're quoting, and in general about how this country, and its government functions, and then we can have a discussion. Until then, shut up with your stupid ass, ill-informed opinion you ignorant f**k.

Make my day... in politics
0 ups, 6y
*Shoot them, then rob them lol kinda like when you loot corpses in a RPG game!
Laughing Men In Suits in politics
0 ups, 6y
As in the shootings actually physically took place, people actually died, but the shootings were planned. They were designed to distract people, to make people think about the shootings, talk about the shootings, even argue about the shootings. Anything to shift the spotlight from one thing to another, so they can make the first thing disappear. Think of it like a magician doing slight of hand.