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ShadowMewto (1285)
Joined 2022-08-02
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The AI is homohobic now???? in ai_memes
0 ups, 2y
Well theoretically I guess if she was straight when she had you and since then has become trans and still likes men, then that would make her gay.
cry about it in gaming
0 ups, 3y
Fair. I pretty much only play Fortnite and campaign based shooters (Battlefront 2, Ratchet and Clank, etc.) as far as shooting games go, but I try to play games in many different genres. My favorite games I've ever played are:
1. Spider-Man PS4
2. Smash Ultimate
3. Mario Odyssey
4. Fortnite and/or Rocket League
5. New Pokemon Snap
cry about it in gaming
0 ups, 3y
I understand. Currently, the game runs extremly smooth if you play on console and as someone who plays almost daily I rarely ever experience bugs. Not to mention its currently free on all consoles so it's not like its forcing people to pay for a game you consider bad anyway.
cry about it in gaming
0 ups, 3y
Hey, I take offense to that as somebody who is a former world record holder in a LEGO game. Also Skywalker Saga is pretty good you should give it a try, and I've been meaning to try Uncharted! Thanks for you game reccomendartions mate! That was the point of this comment, right? You can hate it all you want, I'm all ears. Maybe I can help you be lead un-astray. Can you please describe the bug that were happening to you? Because I would bet is was either your internet or it wasn't a bug at all. And how is it pay-to-win exactly? I mean every skin has a similair hitbox and skins dont have extra abilities or anything so there isn't really a way to gain any advantage at all through cosmetics except at an extremly minor amount that really only matters at pro levels. It kinda sounds to me like you just hate shooters, which you're allowed to do, but maybe just say that you personally dislike them but for people who enjoy shooters they aren't bad or something. Plus, Fortnite isn't even an FPS. LIke it is as much first person as the new God of War is.
cry about it in gaming
0 ups, 3y
Bro Smash is literally my 2nd favorite game of all time (after Spider-Man ps4), I understand Fortnite is not even close to on the same level as smash, but my point still stands. You can't say something is bad and not provide reasoning, especially when the other side gives you reasoning and you respond with something compltley irrelevant that ignores hal the shit I said, not to mention a comment that wasn't even intended for you.