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ShadowKnight87 (2927)
Joined 2024-01-02
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Now you know why they're gone... in fun
0 ups, 10mo
I had an old acc a few years back but my school blocked the site last year so I can't even delete it.
Pepe falls in starwarsmemes
0 ups, 11mo
all of the crap is in the duels and writing. the CGI and Kylo Ren's design were the few decent things that keeps the sequels out of a 1993 Mario Movie level of ass.
Pepe falls in starwarsmemes
0 ups, 11mo
I made this at like midnight after finishing TCW for the 10th time. absolutely ZERO thought was put into this.
Now you know why they're gone... in fun
0 ups, 11mo
did he come back or smth?
I'll Just Wait Here in fun
0 ups, 1y
my old usernames still haunt me lmao