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SebastianWhite (14)
Joined 2022-09-28
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It's time to stop all the hate and racism being taught in our schools. in politics
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The "hypocrisy" is that the 'right wing' call most on the left "snowflakes" but apparently it is the right wing, which are so weak of mind and spirit that they can't deal with teaching their kids the injustices many of 'them' dealt black children and others in the past! It is "utter cowardice" and the right wing try to cover that cowardice with words such as woke, or 'socialism' another one thrown around, which actually just means on some levels... not voting for Trump who gave $billionaires a $2 trillion tax cut! Then you think it is the 'left' who have their priorities...?
Is anyone telling the truth anymore? in fun
0 ups, 2y
The #news you’re reading, how do you know this can be trusted & that it isn’t #FakeNews?

Find out using these ‘objective’ sites, which direct us to sources which can be trusted:
… … …
Spending money we don't have will never reduce inflation. in politics
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Fox News and the Republicans are the reason why America has the "highest" Covid deaths in the entire world... over "1 million" people!

So, as I said if you want to keep on voting for a Party, which is I have shown is lying to you even to the point of denying Covid and this resulting in a "million" deaths... then that's up to you?

Or believing Fox, when they tell you Covid does not exist or is not that dangerous... while the owner flies off to get his Covid jab before just about everyone else?

To me that seems 'foolish?'

“I think the greatest illusion we have is that denial protects us. It’s actually the biggest distortion and lie. In fact, staying asleep is what’s killing us.”

— Eve Ensler
Spending money we don't have will never reduce inflation. in politics
0 ups, 2y
Did you know the Republican dominated Supreme Court "gutted" the Voting Rights Act in 2013?

So, this 'delusion' that the left is lying to you is just nonsense!

The Republican 'are' attacking your rights on "ever" level:

#Trump & #Republican ‘crass hypocrisy’ for “9 mths” they blocked #Obama’s appointment to Supreme Court!
In 2013 the @GOP packed Supreme Court “gutted” Voting Rights Act, which Martin Luther King fought for... and which protected ‘our’ right to vote!

Electoral law expert... "We should be scared 'shitless' that #America will lose its democracy!"

#Republicans are implementing over "400" bills for voter suppression... as well of course as controlling Supreme Court, that gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013, which left @GOP free to abuse America's democracy!


And there's plenty more evidence from what that came from?

So, if you want to continue being a "fool" to yourself, and voting against your best interests that's up to you... but I say this, when someone supplies you the evidence that what you are being misled, and if a person ignore that... it is not only 'stupid' but bloody "cowardly!"

As I said, if it were me, I'd try to be acting like a "mature" adult, and reading the information the person sent me, and having the 'courage' to accept the truth?

You know we have Brexit over here, and it was "mostly" the people who have been hurt by it the most who voted for it... and the Conservatives! Look at the state of my own country now, if you don't wish to believe me?

The right wing tell the poor and others lies, because they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes... they don't want you to have universal free health care like we do in Britain, because "they" would have to pay more taxes!

America is the most advanced country in the world in many respects, and yet people still die due to lack of being able to afford health care... and then people such as yourself, fight against this, because Republicans try to 'brainwashing' into it being 'socialism' or some other nonsense.

Meanwhile Murdoch who owns Fox, who's a "billionaire" off the backs of the poor... as I said goes to our apparently "socialist" National Health Service as is one of the first tell get the jab.
Spending money we don't have will never reduce inflation. in politics
0 ups, 2y
I've sent several links proving that Fox News is lying... in the above footage, why have you not watched these?

So you have proof there, so why haven't you read or watched the videos related to this?

Secondly as I said:

"Fox News won't tell you the truth, SkyNews Australia or Breitbart, because they "pretend" to be on the side of the 'common person' but in reality they only care for their own agenda:

Hypocritically, #Murdoch who owns @FoxNews & @NYpost, while Fox runs a campaign telling people #Covid19 vaccine is not safe & not to take it... Murdoch, was one of "very first" people to get the #vaccine in the UK on the #British "socialist" National Health Service... which again #Fox criticises for being... you guessed it, being "socialist!"

The hypocrisy... and the lies for that matter, are staggering!

So the owner of Fox and NY Post tells his viewers and readers that the British National Health Service, which is 'entirely' free... is unsafe, as he did with the Covid Jab...

Why, because as with the Covid jab, the 'rich' who own Fox News, don't want to pay for 'you' to get the health care you deserve, but "they" take and get for granted!"

... now do you think "you" can trust Fox, after what I have said above?

You say you are 'rational' but seems to me, that you are more interested in disproving me than the facts!

If someone had told me, what I have told you... I'd doing my own independent searches; not having a tempter tantrum like petulant toddler... trying to delude myself that the sky is red?

You have then gone onto say, 'nothing I have said' has anything to do with the post... when you commented that 'renewables' have made no impact and are not reliable... and then I went on to "prove" the renewable supply "billions" of people with electricity, and "28%" of the world's population!

How is that not relevent?

The 'truth' is, is it not that... "you" don't want to hear it?

And that's what Fox, and other propaganda outlets such as RT News, Breitbart and the rest, rely on... people letting their egos get the better of them, and not having finding the 'courage' to hear the truth?

"The clueless left" the results were the same in Georgia, because the left or centre... had to campaign more to ensure this was possible, but if you think the Republicans are not attacking voting rights, then you don't know what's going on!

You also say clueless foreigners... then tell me, yes or no?