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Sasquatch69 (1862)
Joined 2020-02-26
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Flying Spider in fun
0 ups, 4y
I haven't found out if yes or no. But I wouldn't put it past the arachnids in Australia to up the ante.
2020 Election Truth in politics
0 ups, 4y
Oh I know. Both Trump and Biden aren't great candidates. If you look at Biden's votes as a SSenator you can venture a good guess what he'd do as Pres. And if Trump wins, it'll just be another 4 years of the Democrats attempting to impeach him like they did the past 4 years. It's hard to get things done if you need to keep defending yourself against constant unfounded attacks (if they had actual proof, he'd of been impeached. Seeing as they failed each time you can venture a good guess at his next 4 if he wins.) So that is actually a very valid point I made. Biden will remove or vote against things he's already voted that way for. He will raid Social Security or remove it entirely which isn't a good idea. And Trump will be battling the entire time. The 2 Party System isn't necessarily a failure, but needs a third major party (like the former Whigs or bring TEA back.) That way if you have 2 bad obes, there is a tie breaker. Don't just assume I don't watch politics or read up on it. I do full research into each candidate to determine who I feel is best. I don't vote party lines. That just dumb. You should NEVER just vote for the party. Don't believe me? Ask Germany in 1945. They voted straight party for what was it(?) nearly 10 years? Did it work for them? (Sure you can say they had no choice. But let's ask Russia next with Stalin, Lenin, Putin, and many others. They weren't the only choices. But they were the party and you wanted to vote party.