This is different than cloud-seeding to bring rain. This geo-engineering brings both floods and drought and has been a source of many discussions and complaints at the UN.
The aluminum, barium, strontium, and lithium in Solar Radiation Management / Stratospheric Injection aerial spraying does contaminate our land and water, impeding growth for seeds not bioengineered to grow in abnormally heavy metal soil with the aid of glysophate (Roundup), a known carcinogen that does not break down in soil anywhere near as quickly as we're told it will. Organic farms are failing all over the Northern hemisphere. The Elite do not eat food from Walmart. These unnaturally nano-sized metals enter our bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier. Dangerous enough alone, these metals react synergistically with mercury and other contaminates in vaccine adjuvants. Experts estimate the Alzheimers rate for women alive now will be one in six. Autism rates for boys are projected to be one in three by 2035. The Elite get vaccines, but not the same vaccines we get.
We have been taught to ridicule any discussion of "chemtrails", but geo-engineering operations such as Indigo Skyfold are having an unintended negative effect (in addition to negative health effects). The same "clouds" that bounce the suns rays back into space during the day also impede heat dissipation at night. Scientists leaking infirmation say this Venus Effect was not anticipated.
We need to be asking why geo-engineering is never mentioned in climate-change discussions.
The aluminum, barium, strontium, and lithium in Solar Radiation Management / Stratospheric Injection aerial spraying does contaminate our land and water, impeding growth for seeds not bioengineered to grow in abnormally heavy metal soil with the aid of glysophate (Roundup), a known carcinogen that does not break down in soil anywhere near as quickly as we're told it will. Organic farms are failing all over the Northern hemisphere. The Elite do not eat food from Walmart. These unnaturally nano-sized metals enter our bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier. Dangerous enough alone, these metals react synergistically with mercury and other contaminates in vaccine adjuvants. Experts estimate the Alzheimers rate for women alive now will be one in six. Autism rates for boys are projected to be one in three by 2035. The Elite get vaccines, but not the same vaccines we get.
We have been taught to ridicule any discussion of "chemtrails", but geo-engineering operations such as Indigo Skyfold are having an unintended negative effect (in addition to negative health effects). The same "clouds" that bounce the suns rays back into space during the day also impede heat dissipation at night. Scientists leaking infirmation say this Venus Effect was not anticipated.
We need to be asking why geo-engineering is never mentioned in climate-change discussions.
Love the protesting cows!