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SamWinston (3178)
Joined 2020-06-10
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Hollywood in politics
0 ups, 4y
Read the comments.. Ironic Satire.
Hollywood in politics
1 up, 4y
That's sad..
Democrats in politics
0 ups, 4y
Point is, Nevel Chamberlain and many others tried the appeasment approach.. It didn't work.. Bullies don't back down when one shows submission,, they are only emboldened by displays of weakness.
Hollywood in politics
3 ups, 4y
It's a Satirical meme... I wanna see if Hollywood is willing to cancel themselves over their own rhetoric. You have to learn to use their own narrative against them.
Democrats in politics
0 ups, 4y
Yes of course,, We were supposed to set back and let him exterminate all of Europe, right.? Pacifist are always the first to go.