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SaboTabbyKitten (113620)
Joined 2023-11-11
Previous username: AriTheBlackSaboCat
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well she's not a "man" but in politics
Maga voted to make maga even poorer in politics
1 up, 2h
If one isn't homeless guess what? They become smarter. And they commit less crime. Maybe you should just think of that. Give homeless people homes
Maga voted to make maga even poorer in politics
1 up, 2h
Because poverty makes people steal. What would you do if a homeless person was being chased for stealing food from a store just to be able to eat?
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 2h
What does a leftist believe
Maga voted to make maga even poorer in politics
1 up, 3h
Do you know why I'm soft on crime sometimes