Let's take just 2013 alone.... 1000+ of those shooting deaths were committed by Police against unarmed assailants. I also believe that was the 1st year the term 'Chiraq' was heard of since that is the first year more Americans were killed in Chicago than in Iraq & Afghanistan. So that's 2500+ shooting deaths right there for 2013. These explosives that murdered ppl..... wtf are u talking about?? I really hope you aren't referring to Boston, Paris, or London becuz those have been proven completely fabricated as well. Where are these stats coming from....
I also find it ironic how worried ppl are about murders and deaths, but nobody has problems with 500,000 dead Iraqi Children, +1Million dead Iraqi Women and Non-Combatants. Or how about the 60+ yrs of ethnic cleansing, infanticide, and the Black Law Dictionary's definition of Genocide being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians
Like which? I been at this for quite a while now Bro-J Simpson, and that factoid about no legal weapons being used in any of these EVER, is quite true.....
Please either tell me which shootings against Americans were using legal