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SCDentonDeviantArt (894)
Joined 2020-02-09
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Leprechaun and Sea Shanty Inspired in History_Memes
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It all started back in 1995 with a Limerick on Leprechaun 3 which goes like this: There once was a man from Madras, who had balls made of fine brass, in stormy weather they clang together, and sparks flew out of his ass. Fast forward all those years later (approximately a couple years ago) and I was inspired to write some Limericks myself. And as it turns out a few those Limericks owe a debt to Leprechaun 3. This Limerick in particular also is partly an homage to a Sea Shanty collection I'd been listening to for quite some time. Sea Shanties are mostly related to sailing, war, etc. They're songs which are often sung in bars throughout the world. But there are a great many groups out there which sing sea shanties. There are some pretty good ones on YouTube. My favorite is titled A Collection of Sea Shanties (vocal only). It was shared 8yrs ago by Matt Dearing. It's had over 9 Million Views. That's not too shabby for a Sea Shanty collection.
Leprechaun and Sea Shanty Inspired in History_Memes
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It's a paragraph. In the time it took you to comment you could have read it. That's a shame really. It's a fine Limerick. It's funny. It's inspired by the Limerick from the Leprechaun 3 movie, and a Sea Shanty collection I love. I just wish that imgflip allowed me to frame it properly. I did try. But unfortunately you can't cntrl enter on imgflip. Did you read this? Go ahead and read the limerick now that you understand a little more about it.
Nasca Monkey Identified by S.C. Denton in History_Memes
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Yes, I've discovered that the Nasca Monkey is in fact a representation of Orion.
GET STUFFED! Time enough at last. in fun
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I created this meme, I believe.. back in 2019. But I couldn't find it in my images. I'm not sure if I submit to the community. What I do know is it never garnered much attention. So, I thought I would share it again. Obviously Harlan Ellison never said this. I feel as though I got the right screenshot for it. I could be wrong, but I believe I was watching my copy of Dreams with Sharp Teeth. Which is a really good documentary about Harlan, so if you're interested in the man give it a watch.
Werewolf Homage to Road Runner Hint Fiction in HorrorStream
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This isn't really a meme. But I like my little Hint Fiction story. It's funny/apt.