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RobH1 (24713)
Joined 2017-07-09
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Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 8mo
The Taliban is the literal definition of Right Wing. They say America is bad.

Meanwhile, I never said "America is bad." I called you an idiot who can't recognize a threat. If you could read you'd know the difference.
sceptical snake in politics
0 ups, 1y
Your sad, pathetic crusade of flagging every comment that I shatter your lies with, would be almost touching if it wasn't such tragic proof of your inability to conjure a rebuttal.

Stay deluded, kid!
Americans are blind in politics
0 ups, 1y
"The current Ukrainian drag-dancing dictator..."

Yeah, I read that idiotic comment from my apartment here in Kharkiv. You're a flat-Earther, aren't you?

Cheers from the real world, kid!
sceptical snake in politics
1 up, 1y
It's also cute how you dismiss UN reports on Bucha and Irpin (which included eyewitness testimony) but believe their reports on Donbas (that were written from the other side of the planet because Russia wouldn't allow observers in).
We Said We Would Never Let Terrorism Thrive Again in politics
0 ups, 2y
"Libtard" is a cute euphemism for "eyewitness." I was in Iraq, and I was in Ukraine. You, by contrast, have never left your mama's basement. In other words, I speak from what I've witnessed first-hand while your laughable use of "NPC" gives away that you can't even distinguish reality from one of those video games your mama lets you stay up too late playing on. I'd say "checkmate" but that would require explaining chess to someone who is having trouble with tic-tac-toe.

Stick to memes, kid. Leave the real world to those of us who live in it.