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RichardStiles (2525)
Joined 2017-02-26
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Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 5y
It's not who you know. You can know the dang king of the world, but if there's nothing about you that he needs to know you for, all you can accomplish is to parasite off of him, and that doesn't count as a personal achievement.
Buddy Christ in fun
0 ups, 5y
Jesus Christ never existed. His name was Yeshua. The Hebrew/Aramaic alphabet doesn't even have a letter J. King James was a Satanist. All royals are. They aren't allowed to blatantly lie, but they are very skilled at twisting the truth into a deception. Yeshua plainly told the Pharisees that their God was Satan. The Pharisees' God was the God of Moses. It is NOT written anywhere that the God of Moses was Yeshua's Father. You were only led to assume that by a Satanic deception. Followers of the God of Moses had Yeshua executed. Soooo.... followers of the Father had the Son executed? Nope. Followers of Satan did. The God of Moses was identified as Satan by Yeshua himself. Argue with him about it, if your training and your logic are in conflict about that undeniable fact. Satanist King James had his Satanist Jesuit mistranslators change Lucifer Samael's name to The Lord. Then he had them mistranslate Yeshua's name to Jesus, the name of a demon. So, everything "in Jesus' name" is in the name of a demon. Yeshua said "Judge not lest ye be judged". That means if "The Lord" judges me, I get to judge him back. I'm perfectly willing to put my evils on trial against his.?
Star Wars-You might need this in fun
0 ups, 7y
I know. I'm saying she's Rey Skywalker.
Star Wars-You might need this in fun
1 up, 7y
Rey Skywalker.
Untitled Image in fun
1 up, 7y
All you have to do is get with another girl and it'll drive her nuts.