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RichPaul1 (4459)
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One to piss everybody off. in politics
0 ups, 1w
Damn right they are not. They are just trying to, and trying to force me to live my life by their values, instead of my own.

My response: "Live Free or Die [Fighting]; Death is Not the Worst of Evils".
Screaming Trump Protester at Inauguration in politics
0 ups, 8mo
The question is not whether the correlation exists, maybe it does ad maybe it doesn't, one could certainly find out which if he cared.

But what matters is causation, not correlation.How long does it take for a policy to cause effects? And which effect is most significant, and when.

It took 15 years for the Federal Reserve to cause the Great Depression. The person in office when the depression started was Herbert Hoover. But the person who CAUSED the great depression was Woodrow Wilson.

On the other side, people blame the recent mass inflation on Biden. But it would be more appropriate to give some of the blame to Trump, because he started the recent orgy of spending by handing out $1200 to each person, and then something like twenty times as much of the corporations and rich cronies.

But why did he do that? Because of COVID. Who caused COVID? It seems pretty clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology let it escape from their lab.

But why was it in their lab? Because they were doing resource for a group called the "Eco Health Alliance". Where did they get the money?

They were funded by Tony Fauchi, who is apparently not just a supporter of medical tyranny, he is also some kind of bio-weapons muckitymuck.

Things are not always as simple as they appear!
Screaming Trump Protester at Inauguration in politics
0 ups, 2y
Of course wikipedia is unabashedly left leaning. To the extent that they have a hard time walking except on sinking ships.

But it is hard to say. Both of the are horribly destructive to our standard of living, because they both steal a great deal of money from us to lavish on war and corporate welfare. It is true that war provides employment ... warriors can consume ... but they do not produce anything for anybody else to consume. Imagine the difficulty we would have in affording food, even with 100% employment, if 90% of our population was employed as dancers.

[[ Sorry if i go on too much about this, I studied econ in college and then went on to work for Citibank writing code that traded stocks. I find econ fascinating. ]]

The other confounding issue is time delay. Everybody blamed the inflation spurt on Biden. And he was IN PART responsible. But it takes time, after you print money, for the population to realize that the curency has been devalued. So the truth is, Trump deserves as much blame as Biden if not more, given that he was in office when COVID hit and they started paying people not to produce. Like war, if you are making money doing nothing, you are not increasing the ability of your trading partners to consume ... but you are consuming what they produce, if you want to stay alive, because man cannot live on interpretive dance alone.
Screaming Trump Protester at Inauguration in politics
0 ups, 2y
Which side do you think is more easily manipulated?

There is a secret to really understanding Dems and Reps: They are the same f**king thing. Each of them wants to force their preferences onto the whole f**king world. They are both being manipulated into being terrified of the other party, because if they are terrified of the other party, they won't make a fuss about the corruption in their own.

And that way, the DNC and the RNC, who I think are working together to steal as much as they possibly can from us, can buy themselves more time.

And if they are really lucky, the useful idiots on both sides will kill each othter, and then the politicos can just wander in and walk away with their proprerty, and there will be nobody to say anything.

Ezra Pound said it: "The way of infamy is to tell two lies, and get people arguing over which one is true."