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Joined 2023-08-23
Metroid nerd three years later.
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154 Creations

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Snow White's Daddy? in fun
0 ups, 22h
More like "Snow Hispanic 'Girl Boss', and Her Seven CGI Midgets that Would Scare Chuck Norris."
I'm starting to see my downfall in fun
0 ups, 1w
I'm out of ideas, points have stopped coming in, I hardly make any memes anymore, I feel like I've moved on.
Its about to go down in fun
1 up, 2w
Correct. They are mutations.
Prove me wrong and I'll give you a follow in cats
1 up, 2w
So don't feed cats any garlic, it's harmful.
Prove me wrong and I'll give you a follow in cats
1 up, 2w
It's the same thing with cats.