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SCP-1847-H "Mr Skeleton" in SCP
0 ups, 2y

Interviewer: Dr. Richardo Averenti
Interviewee: SCP-1847-H


SCP-1847-H: "Hmm...I think I was in a lake in a park somewhere...or a forest. Can't really remember all that well, it's all a massive blur - although I did hear the words "Statue of Liberty" being tossed around a few times."

Dr. Averenti: "Interesting..." [Pen scribbles on paper. Interviewer is writing down notes again] "Now for question number 2: Why did you attack MTF Squadron # [AUDIO PURGED]?"

SCP-1847-H: "Well I didn't know who or what they were, but I saw the guns they were carryin' and figured they were bad news."

Dr. Averenti: "Hmm, so you attacked the squadron and the four others after that in a way of self-defense?"

SCP-1847-H: "Uhh...yeah. I guess ya could say it like 'dat..."

Dr. Averenti: "Intruiging..." [Pen scribbles on paper. Interviewer writes down notes on paper] "I think that should be it. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Skeleton."

SCP-1847-H: "You're welcome I guess. Now you better hold up your end of the deal." [Bones rattling. Subject has moved]

Dr. Averenti: "Of course. I will see to it that you gain Level 1 access. Have a good day Mr. Skeleton."

SCP-1847-H: " too."

SCP-1847-H "Mr Skeleton" in SCP
0 ups, 2y

Interviewer: Dr. Richardo Averenti
Interviewee: SCP-1847-H


Dr. Averenti: "SCP-1847-H. I hope the trip here wa-"

SCP-1847-H: "Ay! hold it pal, lemme get one thing straight around 'ere. My name is "Mr. Skeleton" and I'm expectin' to be addressed as such. You get my name wrong again, I'll slap ya silly, got it?"

Dr. Averenti: "...My apologies Mr. Skeleton. It will not happen again. If I may continue?"

SCP-1847-H: [Grunt noise. Possible sign of approval or simple displeasure in caring by subject]

Dr. Averenti: "Thank you. I assume you are curious as to why you and I are here, correct? Well, I am here to ask you some questions, if you have no trouble answering them of course."

SCP-1847-H: "Questions huh? That's a rather nice change of pace than those annoyin' tests y'all put me through." [Chair creaking, followed by sound of bones rattling. Subject leans back in chair and hoists feet up on table] "Alright doc...shoot."

Dr, Averenti: "Thank you. Now, before your capture and containment, our sensors recorded your first sighting in Hell's Kitchen, New Yo-"

SCP-1847-H: "There's that word again. What in the world are you talkin' about? What's this "Hell's Kitchen" I keep hearin' about?"

Dr. Averenti: "You don't know what Hell's Kitchen is? That is...suprising to say the least." [Pen scribbles on paper. interviewer is writing notes]

SCP-1847-H: " were sayin'?"

Dr. Averenti: "Ah right, back to the task of hand. You were located in New York, where you then proceeded to gun down 5 of our most expertly trained guards. I have only 2 questions on the matter."

SCP-1847-H: "Two questions? Nothing more, nothing less?"

Dr. Averenti: "Precisely. If you answer them truthfully, I can see about granting you access to the computer lab near your cell. That way, you can do your own investigations on your own timeframe."

SCP-1847-H: [Silence, then followed by gentle bone rattling. Possible sign of subject thinking or moving] "...always did wondered how to work one of them fancy-dancy analogs...Alright, I bite. Pop off your questions doc. I'm all ears...well, you know what I mean."

Dr. Aventi: "Excellent!" [Sound of papers moving around] "Alright, first question: when you set off our sensors, were you always in New York or did you originate somewhere else?"

SCP-1847-H "Mr Skeleton" in SCP
0 ups, 2y
Sure, I don't mind
SCP-1847-H "Mr Skeleton" in SCP
0 ups, 2y
The security level is Level 2, forgot to add that bit
Schools be like in fun
1 up, 3y
BULLIES AT PUBLIC SCHOOLS IM GONNA NEED MORE BOLTER FOR THIS HERESY | image tagged in blood angel | made w/ Imgflip meme maker