I don't know if this was made clear in post or just recently, but I am very, incredibly, unimaginably, unfathomably, inconceivably-
I ruined the stream and caused hither to undreamt of levels of butthurt & backlash, without even really trying (Imao). You might even be asking yourself. "What was that idiot thinking?"
I wasn't.
Or "Wow that jackasses plans fell flat on it's face. Whatever those 'plans' where "
I just sorta made it up as I went along tbh (Imao).
Why did I do it? I honestly don't know.
There was a guy who cared, but you did not accept the salvation he offered and are free to persist in the doomed stream for which you have created. Action => Consequence.
But far be it from me to try and convince you let go and mourn the loss of this once (sorta okay'ish) stream. Celebrate and cherish your stream, good sir (I think you're a guy? I'm not sure.) A stream of which I will gladly on sparing occasion come and setup in like a hobo under a bridge, just like the true vagabond I am. I hope you find solace in the rule of this forsaken realm of Prezidential larpz that you have rightfully earned rule of and endure it's legacy upon your back for all whom stumble into this realm.