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Potato_Man64 (21030)
Joined 2023-01-12
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How do you say it 1 in Zelda_TOTK
1 up, 2y
Bo-Kahn-blin, but when I refer to the stuff like weapons I just say bo-koh
W Wii equipment in Nintendo
6 ups, 2y
Thing is, joycons are $80 for a pair 😔
im still waiting in Nintendo
0 ups, 2y
They put those refrences in the movie to show that they are games in that universe. That’s why there’s no Zelda references or other mainline references so that they could do it if they wanted to
I can’t find it in Zelda_TOTK
0 ups, 2y
Is it that depths side quest? I started but then left