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Phonax (172988)
Joined 2020-09-14
Having the knowledge doesn't equal having the skill
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The Rock Driving Eclipse in fun
2 ups, 8mo
The goat is gone…
Child po in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 2y
Watching child po rn
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 2y
Bro 💀
#2,351 in cursedcomments
2 ups, 2y
Not cursed, that’s just the joke
Lawyer Corgi Dog in imgflip
0 ups, 2y
How the hell would that work? They would need to make some kind of AI that is able to detect different things in a gif and then the sticker would only be able to follow that. It’s not like it can do pixel following because gifs aren’t actually moving things, just multiple frames really fast. The entire logic behind this suggestion makes no sense.