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Victoria David Beckham Be Honest in politics
1 up, 9mo
Go for it!
vanya and five car staredown in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Oh for CRYING OUT LOUD, brother! We've been telling you guys for YEARS about Biden's cognitive problems. Trying to blame people for noticing Biden's awkward behavior at a single event (yes, it was awkward to walk away from other world leaders, regardless of how you try to frame it) is simply too rich to handle. The fault here is ALL ON YOUR SIDE. We tried to tell people, but the media loves its leftist politicians. The left just couldn't accept that it had a highly flawed candidate with cognitive problems.

The left made its bed, and now has to sleep in it.
vanya and five car staredown in politics
0 ups, 9mo
Nope. Just like the legacy media, you're trying to distract from the issue. It doesn't matter if he was going over to talk to the three others paratroopers on the ground. It was the fact that all the world leaders were focused on one thing, and Biden unilaterally walks away from them, and has to be redirected back to the group.

I don't think this is as bad as some of the things he has done, but it does reveal a kind of awkwardness, likely due to mental decline, that we have become accustomed to seeing. Deflecting from this by pulling a Karinne Jean-Pierre is to ignore the issue.
vanya and five car staredown in politics
0 ups, 9mo
The paratrooper one wasn't necessarily "made up". You can see the video for yourself. All the world leaders are standing together and Biden inexplicably walks off a bit, so the others had to follow - presumably to compensate for Biden's move.
vanya and five car staredown in politics
2 ups, 9mo
These are well beyond "gaffes" or mere "senior moments".