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Penid_ItsAlwaysTurkeyDay (42430)
Joined 2024-08-30
Previous username: Lonesome_GLaDOSts
my duty is to serve and erect
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Amb shamb bbbmba in MS_memer_group
1 up, 9h
What the children would think would happen to bob and Linda if he didn’t have a mustache
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 10h
I’m putting the I’m killing in myself
Amb shamb bbbmba in MS_memer_group
1 up, 10h
When I was little I would watch adult shows with my parents
Mind you, most robots freaked me out at the time
So then we watched that one episode of bobs burger with the robot mustache bob
So whenever bob sburger came on until I was about 8 I would tell my mom and dad “I’m scared of robot mustache”
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 10h
I am Skibidi toiler