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OsuKi-ai (65641)
Joined 2020-02-12
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Random fact of the day in MS_memer_group
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So what if we got a really big sword and then had the fairies surf on it?
Random fact of the day in MS_memer_group
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No. Spathekinesis. Telekinesis would be Greek for using one's mind to move things. Pyrokinesis is a term that was used by Stephen King in 1980, and he interperited it to mean causing flames to move, presumably with one's mind. This is the same but with the Greek word for sword instead of flame.
Random fact of the day in MS_memer_group
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To be fair it's a pretty cool fantasy concept. Why bother risking your life in a duel if you can just have the swords fly at the opponent?
holy sheet in MS_memer_group
2 ups, 4y
Guess it wasn't lucky enough to keep him alive to see the recognition.
Untitled Image in MS_memer_group
1 up, 4y
the heck