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OfficialJoJorgensen (889)
Joined 2021-12-05
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That was a dumb question. in fun
0 ups, 6mo
I think that there should be less of those
Upvote If You See The Blue in fun
1 up, 6mo
I do not want to
now get in a SINGE FILE LINE AND WALK in fun
0 ups, 6mo
If hundreds of people are running, panicked and trying to get out of a few small places, the potential for injury or death is greatly increased. It's because of rules like that that nobody in the United States has died in a school fire in seventy years.
Vote Jo Jorgensen and updoot if you think regulatory bodies such as the department of Education should be abolished and replaced with private corporations with little if any regulations or oversight!
Would be worse if the moon landing is fake in fun
0 ups, 6mo
They didn't just do that. The numerous moon landings were science expeditions, and we have learned a lot about how the universe works from studying the moon. Anyway, updot if you think NASA should be abolished and replaced with private corporations with little if any regulations or oversight!