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NelsonCryptoKingDaSilva (1318)
Joined 2023-07-16
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Radical Feminism in a Nutshell in fun
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Its ok ladies, the saying goes: In good times society creates weak men, and in bad times society creates strong men. I agree today we live in an era of weak men, not all 100% of us but a big majority. But their children of these weak men are watching. And hopefully they will create strong men and these strong men will take over this world and bring it back to respectful humanity for all. Only problem is when the strong men come out you ladies will be making sandwiches whether you like it or not. Its not that we men want this, but it has to happen because you can't put ppl who can kick your butt under you, they will climb you and hand you your butt. Thiose of you women that don't want to make your man a sandwich ever do us all a favour and don't get married it will be better for you because we all (men) expect you to make us sandwiches. And he if tells you no not him, yes him. He is telling you that so he can get in between your lady legs. You ladies can make all the rules you want, but we have dicks and we F the rules. But at the end of the day, its up to the man if he wants to marry you or not. Yopu ladies have friendzones for us ugly men or unwanted men. But we men have sex zones. Like how you put a man you don;t want in friendzone, we put you in sexzone. Girls we just want to F, and not marry. And yes we men also have that girls i'd like to marry zone. But we need to experiment first with you ladies and potential marryzone. The sexzone placement is easy and in 5 minutes a lady can be there.