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NateJones1 (2)
Joined 2020-02-19
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Screw you haters! in fun
0 ups, 4y
it IS flat you dumb docile indoctrinated buffoon! the cognitive dissonance is strong in you.. no wonder you can't get past the programming of lies.. if you could you wouldn't be under a spell, because it is so ridiculously easy to see that the earth ain't what NASA or the government says it! if you think there are far too many proofs that we're on a spinning ball then there are equally if not more proofs that says otherwise.. funny how you mock people for claiming the earth is flat, but as per usual you didn't counter-claim to argue that it's a globe either.. well maybe because deep down you know that you've never seen the globe with your own eyes nor felt it spinning even in the slightest, apart from two-bit cgi and what the controlled media and mainstream science feeds you and you graze it all up like a sheep lol.. you have no brain to think for yourself but require an authoritative figure to do the thinking for you, and you're calling people idiots? lol look in the mirror before calling other's idiot. WAKE THE F**K UP!

programming is real:

"its easier to fool someone than to convince them that they've been fooled"
"professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"